Keys can be easy to lose and drop, especially if you have limited mobility or dexterity issues. Our writer and editor Lucy Currier reviews the extra large key fob, which can be ordered alone or with a genuine large head RADAR key attached.
Keys are a part of everyday life and they help to keep our possessions secure. So many things require keys – our home, car and office. For many disabled people, we also need a RADAR key to enter accessible toilets while out in public.
Everyone, myself included, has mislaid and dropped their keys. My cerebral palsy means that I have difficulty using keys. I mostly ask family, friends or PAs to use keys for me. However, this can lead to people accidentally taking my keys home with them.
Thankfully, the extra large key fob can prevent this from happening and is easy to hold if you have dexterity issues.
What is the extra large key fob made of?
The key fob is made of rigid plastic. When I first opened it I thought it was going to be heavy, but it is actually really lightweight and smooth. There are no rough edges and the large hole in the middle is big enough to fit all four fingers through.
You don’t need to be able to grip to hold it, although you will probably need help to use the RADAR key if dexterity is something you struggle with. It is nice and large meaning it is easier to use than many regular-sized keys.

What does RADAR stand for?
R.A.D.A.R stands for Royal Association for Disability Rights. This organisation agreed to the key scheme, which was designed by men named Nicholls & Clarke, to use their name on the product.
The RADAR scheme locks were first fitted in 1981. The point of the RADAR lock is so that accessible toilets are made available for people who need them and keeps them clean and undamaged.
Without a lock, it is more likely that grab bars and other equipment, like hoists and changing beds in Changing Places toilets could be damaged or toilets used for other purposes such as drug use or other inappropriate activities!
Read our post about genuine RADAR keys and the history of the scheme.

Where can the key fob be kept?
Due to the large design, the key fob can easily be hung on a hook, threaded through a bag or hung on a mobility aid. If you use a Trabasack lap tray or Optivus wheelchair backpack, you can easily keep it handy by attaching it to the D-rings or using side straps.
As well as disabled individuals having RADAR keys, many restaurants, bars, cafes and shops have their own RADAR key that customers can use. With the extra large key fob, businesses would easily be able to locate keys by hanging them in a visible place on a hook. If paired with a RADAR key it is easily located for customers asking to use accessible bathrooms, as venue staff can easily recognise it.
The key fob is easy to clean
The plastic is very rigid and durable with no awkward gaps so it is easy to wipe clean, another plus, especially if used by businesses where multiple people will be touching it.
A quick but thorough wipe with hand sanitiser is all that’s required to make sure any keys on this fob will not be unhygienic and will help prevent germs from being passed from person to person.
The key fob stops keys from being taken away by mistake
Losing keys is never fun, and someone accidentally taking your key home is no different. It’s also easily done!
Picture this, you are in a restaurant with friends. You ask at the counter for the key to unlock the accessible toilet, you unlock the door and put the key in your bag for safety. You use the toilet and then go back to your friends. The RADAR key sits forgotten in your bag.
The key fob stops this from happening as it is too big to put in a bag. People are much more likely to remember to return it as it’s not put away.
If you have family, friends or carers who need to use your keys, having to hold the fob will help ensure that they don’t take them away. See the photo below where my RADAR key and a RADAR key attached to the extra large key fob sit side by side.
Although mine came with a RADAR key, there is no reason why other keys could not be attached as the fob has a standard key ring attached. It even has the message ‘DON’T TAKE ME HOME’ carved into the plastic as a not-so-subtle reminder.

Should you buy an extra large key fob?
This key fob is a must for businesses or people who have to give others their keys. It is also a great product if you have limited dexterity, or if you hate rooting for keys at the bottom of a bag! The key fob is a great lightweight and convenient way to keep keys secure.
If you want something to put on a purse or bag, take a look at our Brass RADAR key with Harris Tweed key fob as a great alternative.
Buy an extra large key fob today and try it for yourself.
By Lucy Currier
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