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Search Results for: easywipe

Buckingham Easywipe bottom wiper

The Buckingham Easywipe has been specially designed to help those with painful joint conditions and limited movement, by offering an extended, hygienic toilet aid for wiping with ease.

Easywipe provides extended reach for wiping after using the toilet, ensuring a clean, comfortable wipe without having to stretch, twist or strain.

The ergonomic design ensures comfort and ease-of-use, and the rounded, smooth handle with non-slip grip is simple to clean with no crevices or areas capable of capturing unwanted dirt.

Toilet paper is firmly grasped by the wiping tool when in use, and can be released when ready by simply pushing the button located on the handle without ever having to touch the soiled tissue.

[su_note note_color=”#f3ffde” radius=”9″][su_service title=”UK VAT exemption available for those with qualifying conditions” icon=”https://shop.disabilityhorizons.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/tick-icon-green.png” icon_color=”#51c230″][/su_service][/su_note]

Buckingham Easywipe bottom wiper Read More »

Buckingham Easywipe pocket-size bottom wiper

  • Designed to help those with painful joint conditions and limited movement, by offering an extended, hygienic toilet aid for wiping with ease.
  • Provides 38cm/15” of extended reach for wiping after using the toilet
  • The ergonomic design is rounded, smooth handle with non-slip grip
  • Simple to clean with no crevices or areas capable of capturing unwanted dirt
  • Most compact toilet aid on the market, which can fold-down to only 16cm in length

[su_note note_color=”#f3ffde” radius=”9″][su_service title=”UK VAT exemption available for those with qualifying conditions” icon=”https://shop.disabilityhorizons.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/tick-icon-green.png” icon_color=”#51c230″][/su_service][/su_note]

Buckingham Easywipe pocket-size bottom wiper Read More »

Buckingham Easywipe folding bottom wiper with case

0The Buckingham Easywipe folding bottom wiper is a discreet and dignified toilet aid that helps you to wipe more easily after using the toilet.

The compact, folding design and hygienic carry-case means it can be stored safely and discreetly in your handbag or pocket, and the simple case design ensures the toilet aid remains private at all times.

The durable, strong folding arm cleverly extends to provide you with the extra reach needed to ensure a clean, comfortable wipe without having to stretch or strain joints and muscles.

Toilet paper is firmly grasped by the wiping tool when in use, and can be released when ready by simply pushing the button located on the handle.

Ergonomically designed for comfort and ease-of-use, the folding Easywipe features a rounded, smooth handle and is easy to clean with no crevices or areas capable of capturing unwanted dirt.

[su_note note_color=”#f3ffde” radius=”9″][su_service title=”UK VAT exemption available for those with qualifying conditions” icon=”https://shop.disabilityhorizons.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/tick-icon-green.png” icon_color=”#51c230″][/su_service][/su_note]

Buckingham Easywipe folding bottom wiper with case Read More »

Compostite image including Euan's Guide Access Survey 2023 header and texxt "Importance of accessible toilets"

Euan’s Guide Access Survey 2023 Highlights the Need for Better Toilets

Accessible Toilets: Unlock the Access   Each year, The Euan’s Guide Access Survey collects insights from disabled people, highlighting different issues of concern. It’s a key tool for improving access by revealing where facilities fall short. In this post we will focus on the issue of venues with inadequate toilet facilities. Accessible toilets are more

Euan’s Guide Access Survey 2023 Highlights the Need for Better Toilets Read More »

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