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Header for accessible shower post, Text "THE MIRA SELECT FLEX - The best shower for disabled people. two inages of shower in use showing easy to hold and control features

Mira Select Flex: Pioneering Accessible Shower Design

The Best Accessible Shower for Disabled People – the MIRA SELECT FLEX  Providing an accessible showering experience, perfect for inclusive living.      Mira Select Flex shower system was designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind.  It makes your bathroom easier to use for older or disabled family members Designed for Everyone: Mira Select Flex […]

Mira Select Flex: Pioneering Accessible Shower Design Read More »

Compostite image including Euan's Guide Access Survey 2023 header and texxt "Importance of accessible toilets"

Euan’s Guide Access Survey 2023 Highlights the Need for Better Toilets

Accessible Toilets: Unlock the Access   Each year, The Euan’s Guide Access Survey collects insights from disabled people, highlighting different issues of concern. It’s a key tool for improving access by revealing where facilities fall short. In this post we will focus on the issue of venues with inadequate toilet facilities. Accessible toilets are more

Euan’s Guide Access Survey 2023 Highlights the Need for Better Toilets Read More »

Here's the revised cartoon, featuring a black woman banker presenting an award to a middle-aged, white man on a mobility scooter and a young white woman fashion designer. The image conveys a cheerful and supportive mood, celebrating the diversity of entrepreneurial ventures.

Santander X UK Awards – Disability-Focused Winners

Celebrating Disability-Focused Innovations: Santander X UK Awards 2023 Introduction: Acknowledging Innovators in the Disability Community We are delighted to acknowledge the accomplishments of two exceptional winners, Intotum and Snowball App at the Santander X UK Awards 2023, who are making contributions to the disability community. Table showing the awards won at the Santander X UK

Santander X UK Awards – Disability-Focused Winners Read More »

Header composite image with ai graphic and a dont take me home keyfob being held in a hand, text "Key management solutions using an oversize key fob"

Key Management Solutions Simplified for Businesses with the “Don’t Take Me Home” Keyfob

Introduction: Key Management Solutions using an Over Size Keyfob Managing keys is a common challenge for businesses. Keys get lost, misplaced, or taken home, leading to costly replacements and security risks. The “Don’t Take Me Home” keyfob offers a unique key management solution that addresses these issues. With its oversized design and clear “Don’t Take

Key Management Solutions Simplified for Businesses with the “Don’t Take Me Home” Keyfob Read More »

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